Saturday, March 23, 2013

My Signature Dish: Nutritious & Delicious Tofu Loaf

I am sharing with you the recipe on how to make this very nutritious and very delicious Tofu Loaf, My Signature Dish... try'll love it! From the finished creation to step by step procedure on creating the loaf....

You will be needing the following spices and seasoning ingredients:

.one packed of tofu (you can buy this in any supermarkets in U.S. or Asian especialty stores (copmpletely     drain the tofu by wrapping it on a thick towel paper, place it on a round dish and put on top of it heavy dish for an hour to release its water content, remember that the tofu should be firmed) 
. 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
. 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
.1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg
.1/2 teaspoon paprika powder
.1 tablespoon minced  sweet pickled relish
.1/2 tablespoon raisin (finely chopped)
.4 tablespoon panko or bread crumbs
.1 egg yolk
.1 tablespoon salad oil or melted butter
.1 teaspoon of sriracha for a little 'kick' (optional)

For vegetables, you will be needing:
.1/2 green pepper
.1/2 red bell pepper
.1/2 celery stalk (peel to remove the fiber-like strings)
.1/2 carrot
.4 button mushrooms or shiitake (Japanese mushroom)
.1/2 onion
.3 stalks of coliander


.Finely chopped all the vegetable ingredients or mince coarsely using food processor. On the frying pan, pour one spoonful of vegetable oil (or olive oil), saute the onions until slightly brown, set aside.
.Check the tofu for fimrness before finely crumbling it. Combined on it all the minced vegetables including the sauteed onions, mix in garlic salt, pepper, nutmeg, paprika, sweet relish and raisins. Add the panko, egg yolk sriracha. Mix well until all the ingredients are incorporated. (The mixture should be frimed, not may be needing to add some more panko if it still soft.)
.Cut a bg square aluminum foil and spread it on the counter top, brush salad oil all over it and place the mixture shaping it into a loaf bread (you can divide the mixture if you want to make two loaves) as shown in the picture. Place another aluminum foil (also brushed with oil) on top of it and mould it again, once it's shaped into a loaf, seam the ends by twisting them.
.Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees F for 10 minutes. Place the loaf in the baking dish with water on its bottom (about one cup of water) and steam bake it for one hour. Taste the loaf for doneness by inserting a bamboo skewer... it it comes out clean, the tofu loaf is ready to be taken out from the oven.
.Note: If yu want to brown the top, broil or toast it for 5-10 minutes without removing the foil.
.Refrigerate for 2 hrs. and serve it cold. Slice it carefully not to break the shape with a sightly wet bread cutting knife, place three slices on a square plate and garnish with greens and top it with  ketchup or sweet and sour sauce.(as shown in the picture)

ENJOY! (I would be happy to know your feedback about this unique signature dish of mine, very healthy and very tasty, and one of a kind!!!)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Beautiful Food for Beautiful People (European W/ Asian Fusion)

Lobster,Shrimp & Avocado Salad
Seared Heart of Romaine dressed in Anchovy Sauce

Pumpkin Cream Soup

Skewered Fries:Okra, Mushroom & Asparagus
                                Shrimps Glazed wi/Japanese Mayo & Condensed Milk

                       Seared Alaskan Cod w/ thickened Sauce (Ginger,Mirin & Soy sauce)
                                Exotic Asian Dessert (Cassava & Coconut Strings Cake)
                    My VIP guests: The Honorable Ex-Mayor Jordan Ehrenkranz & his wife Jenny