Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Ala-Chef Recent Travel Exploring Phuket, Thailand

 The Ala-Chef world is not only the kitchen... I've got to discover good places to see ... places to dine and drink that I can recommend to all of you. Exploring exotic Phuket, Thailand... the clear emearald waters so enchanting... the food so healthy and delicious leaving such unique flavor on ones palate... the people so genuine... the places worth-exploring! The Ala-Chef experienced one of the most recommendable places in Asia to sit back and unwind then later enjoy their exquisite cuisines!

The Ala-Chef Recent Trip to Phuket, Thailand

Monday, January 14, 2013

My Appetizing Appetizers Creations

Mouth-melting duck's liver in balsamic and red wine sauce

Bacon, Lettuce & TomatoWraps dressed in Japanese Mayonnaise and  lemon zest

Petite tomatoes stuffed with garlicky-cream cheese glazed with extra virgin oil in grapefruit shell

Eye-captivating paprika stuffed with minced beef seasoned with tomatoes, herbs and spices 

Simply Asparagus Lightly Blanched and Sprinkled with extra virgin oil with thin slices of fresh scallops and almonds to garnish

Steamed then Baked Round SlicesSpanish Meat Loaf  incorporated with minced vegetables and rasins, seasoned with herbs &  spices

My Appetizing Appetizers

Thursday, January 10, 2013

My Artistically-presented, Great-tasting Oriental Cusine

Japanese -style Braised Pork (Buta Kakunin) 

Yellow Tail Teryaki with sauteed bean sprouts on the side topped with thinly-sliced leeks

Thai-style shrimps flavored with yellow curry and cream with tosted sushi rice and bok-choy on the side 

Healthy tofu loaf incorporated with finely minced fresh vegetables with  spicy sweet  and sour sauce

crab stuffed with crab meat and chopped potatoes, carrots,zuchinni and herbs with miso sauce
My Beautiful, Great Tasting Oriental Dishes!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Shopping for fresh produce at my hometown's public market

Whenever I cook for loved ones and friends, I make it a point to use only fresh ingredients... I love shopping for fresh vegetables at farmers market when I am in United States and use fresh harvest from the sea and unfrozen meat for a great tasting dishes!

A Place to Hibernate... a warm Haven! A place that I would always want to come back again and again!

Canyon Lake

at Newport Beach

The Ala-Chef Concierge Gourmet Creations

at the hotel lobby when I was working as Guest Relations  
handing-over my book,"An Asian View" to a long staying guest
My avocado & mango crab ceviche
assisting the hotel Head Chef during one of volunteering activities to feed  special school children
scooping the starters
a paella cooking event where I cooked for bunch of people
my paella with the chefs of the restaurant where the coking event was held
a closer view of my colorful and tasty Paella
beautifully-presented appertizers
halibut wrapped in thin waffle in cream and balsamic sauce

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Concierge Chef

It was a different kind of job I had before working as Guest Relations or in a different term a Concierge for Okura ACT City Hotel Hamamatsu- a 5 star luxury hotel operated by Okura Hotels & Resorts... worked there for 16 long years.

Cooking has been my passion ever since I was a child... I remember cooking vermicelli soup in an empty condensed milk which served as my cooking pot! I grew-up having this passion and an inborn cooking talent that  I have been dreaming to put this God-given skill into practice! Wishing that someday, I can have my own small eatery serving beautiful and great tasting Eurasian cuisine (European and Asian)!

I would never want to leave behind this passion just a dream... in whatever means, I want to make this passion a reality!