Monday, January 7, 2013

The Concierge Chef

It was a different kind of job I had before working as Guest Relations or in a different term a Concierge for Okura ACT City Hotel Hamamatsu- a 5 star luxury hotel operated by Okura Hotels & Resorts... worked there for 16 long years.

Cooking has been my passion ever since I was a child... I remember cooking vermicelli soup in an empty condensed milk which served as my cooking pot! I grew-up having this passion and an inborn cooking talent that  I have been dreaming to put this God-given skill into practice! Wishing that someday, I can have my own small eatery serving beautiful and great tasting Eurasian cuisine (European and Asian)!

I would never want to leave behind this passion just a dream... in whatever means, I want to make this passion a reality!

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